Milas Euromos Ancient City Guide

Milas places to visit on our list Euromos Ancient City, The Ayaklı Village of Milas District of Muğla Province is located nearby. Located at the 12th km of Milas Söke road. Euromos Ancient City It is located on the outskirts of Kızılbayır. As a result of the researches, it is estimated that the city was founded in the 6th century BC.


Information about Muğla Euromos Ancient City

By the Roman writer Plinius Eurome, the names of Kyromos and Hyromos in the early period and Europos in the Hellenistic period are used for the city. Alexander the Great The city was captured by the kings of Macedonia, Egypt and Syria after it was conquered by the Ottoman Empire.


B.C. Between the years 201 – 196 King Philip V of Macedonia the name of the city captured by philippoi was changed to. B.C. in 188 Treaty of Apameia city ​​with To the Rhodesians given. It was located in the Mylasa diocese in the Byzantine Period. Euromos, lived its heyday during the Roman Empire and became an independent city.


The first studies on the Ancient City of Euromos were carried out in 1969. Umit Serdaroglu started by These studies, which lasted until 1975, were interrupted for 40 years, and he was appointed as a faculty member at Muğla Sıtkı Kocaman University in 2011. Assist. Assoc. Dr. Abuzer Red resumed under his leadership. Today, work is still going on on the Ancient City of Euromos.


The remains of Muğla Euromos Ancient City; Zeus Lepsynos Temple, agora, theatre, chapel, necropolises, baths and walls. The most famous structure of the ancient city that has survived to the present day is the one dedicated to the god Zeus. Temple of Zeus Lepsynos It also draws attention as it is one of the best preserved temples in Anatolia.


Euromos Zeus Lepsynos TempleIt was built in the Corinthian order. The history of the temple It dates back to the 2nd century. The name of Ayaklı Village also comes from the temple. The Temple of Zeus Lepsynos was built in rows of 6 columns each at the front and back, and 11 columns on the side.


Of the 23 columns, 16 of them have survived, together with their achitraves. Despite this, it is a magnificent structure that can be seen even from a distance. It is understood from the smooth columns on the south and southwest of the temple that it was not completely finished.


There are votive inscriptions especially on the north and west columns of the temple. In the inscriptions, the doctor and statesman of 5 columns Menecrates and her sister tryphaena, 7 of them statesmen Leo Quintus It says it’s a gift.


With the excavations that started in 1969, the pedestal where the statue of Zeus is located has become visible today. Euromos Ancient City It has been seen that the temple was included in a building complex with the excavations intensified around the temple. Genç, one of the many structures unearthed in the environment, Hellenistic PeriodThe altar and BC. Remains from the 6th century indicate that this area was used in earlier times.

Euromos Zeus Lepsynos Temple Walls, the temple 100 meter located ahead. There is a tower as a part of the walls. The tower, which has a round plan, was built with a neat cut stonework. The thickness of the walls around the temple is approx. 2.5mis . In the researches, the walls were built in BC due to their workmanship. It is thought to have been built in the 3rd century.

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