Male Celebrity Tattoos and Meanings, Tattoos Photos
Celebrities tattoos are not just a collection of pictures. They all matter to their wearer. Celebrity tattoos have always aroused genuine interest among fans. Some want to find out the meaning of this or that symbol, from a popular person, others want to get closer to the idol and repeat his wearable drawings. No one is indifferent to this issue. Let’s talk about stars with tattoos.
Tom Hardy Tattoos
The story of a relationship with a tattoo began with the actor as a teenager – he filled the first one at the age of 15. It was a kind of mythical creature that reminded that Hardy had Irish roots. In addition, the actor can find: a dragon (chest), Celtic patterns, inscriptions, the image of the Virgin Mary, etc.
David Beckham Tattoos
The famous football player has over 40 tattoos on his skin. These are, of course, the names of all children, the image of the Virgin Mary, the image of the guardian angel. In addition, David likes to quote phrases of famous people with whom he agrees. He transferred especially his beloved to himself with the help of a specialist and a typewriter. The images cover Beckham’s torso with a solid carpet and look like a single artistic ensemble.

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson Tattoos
The actor, wrestler and musician is famous for his spectacular appearance, amazing athletic form and, of course, a large tattoo on his shoulder and chest. Dwayne has Samoan roots and decided to pay tribute to them by putting classic Polynesian designs on his shoulder. All elements of the composition have symbols reminiscent of important situations and periods in the life of an actor. And although this style is already out of fashion, salons are still often approached with a desire to find patterns “like the Rock”.
Artem Pivovarov Tattoos
The Ukrainian musician got his first tattoo at the age of 18 – it was a microphone. Before Pivovarov was the choice of a specialty – to become a musician or a physician, thus he marked his decision. Artem is trying to create a complete picture on the skin, each new picture should complement the existing ones. His philosophy:
- On Artyom’s left hand, the images have nothing to do with music – they reflect the singer’s worldview. Deer and butterflies are stuffed here. The first symbolizes nobility, the second reminds of the need to live every day as the last;
- Images concerning creativity appear on the right hand. The last tattoo is the title of the album “Element” on the thumb.
Alan Badoev Tattoos
The famous Ukrainian director and presenter has a picture on his hand, which has a romantic origin. During the period of the program “Heads and Tails”, Alan and his co-host wife were shooting in Rome. Badoev decided to please Jeanne and made a tattoo on his right forearm – the face of an Indian leader. The meaning of such an image is wisdom and strength.
Zhenya Galich Tattoos
One of the most “downtrodden” Ukrainian celebrities is the lead singer of the O. Torvald group – Zhenya Galich. He made his first underwear drawing at 17. It is interesting that the parents not only did not mind, but his mother personally took the guy to the master.
By the way, later Zhenya framed the drawing and signed “my first tattoo”. The artist has a large number of drawings, as befits a rock musician. It is difficult for him to calculate how many exactly, but more than 25. Galich claims that each symbol has its own, important meaning. But the best, according to the singer himself:
- Guardian angel. The artist believes that he has it and always protects him.
- Clock, which depicts the time of Zhenya’s birth.
- The name of Eva’s beloved daughter.
- The dove, which the artist filled in the desire for peace to come and always be in his native country.
- The silhouette of the beloved city – Kiev, with important buildings that are memorable for the artist.
- Microphone, heart and guitar are symbols of love for music.
Oleg Kenzov Tattoos
Another singer and a big fan of tattoos. He has a sleeve – a fully clogged arm from the shoulder to the wrist. The most famous and beloved drawing is the portrait of Evie’s baby daughter, when she was only two months old. The artist also loves to apply symbols to remind him of important events and is not going to stop. In the plans – a second sleeve on the theme of “the way of the warrior” with samurai, gladiators and assassins.
Max Barskikh Tattoos
One of the most popular artists today also has many paintings on the skin. For example, the bicep depicts a heart in crossed iron rings, which resembles the English letter “X” – the brightest in the singer’s name. In addition, it was with the song “Heart” that Max’s career began. The meaning of such pictures for the artist is personal and even sacred. On the other hand there is a voluminous black and white composition, in which you can see a landscape with a moon and trees, the figure of a girl, an eye and some mystical elements. The meaning of such pictures for the artist is personal and even sacred. Also, a very vivid image is placed on the chest of the musician – the winged Egyptian god Amon-Ra with the body of a man and the head of an eagle.
Timati Tattoos
The tattoos of Russian stars are very different, someone likes to score large areas; others prefer miniature symbols. Small celebrity tattoos are often not even noticeable to others. But the rapper Timati is considered the most tattooed member of the Russian celebrity hangout. Timati has a lot of tattoos on his skin. Probably Timati’s tattoos cover about 85% of his skin. Among them you can find individual images, the meaning of which is not explained by the carrier: a dove, stars, clowns, images of an angel, etc. In addition, the rapper likes to fill in the inscriptions in English – “Black star” or “Moscow city”.
Pavel Priluchny Tattoos
The fashion for decoration with the help of tattoos also did not pass by the actor, who is better known to viewers from the TV series – Pavel Priluchny. On his chest there is a pattern imitating a cardiogram. In addition, there is a talisman on the actor’s thigh, and an extensive compass on the shoulder. Paul’s business card is a trendy symbol on his neck in the form of a barcode and the word “doc”. The actor keeps the meaning of this tattoo a secret, noting only that he encrypted important information for himself in the image.